About the Conference Brochure Design

Conferences are an essential part of professional life and there are countless reasons for people to attend a conference. Apart from keeping an eye on what’s currently happening in the industry, conferences are one of the best places to make new contacts, learn from industry leaders, find inspirations, know where the industry is heading, and what could be the next big thing. It’s a really positive, high-energy, and immersive experience that can get your creative juices flowing. Select a topic to hold a fictional conference about and design an event brochure to go along with it. 


Step 1

Select a topic to hold a fictional conference about.

Step 2

Gather information about speakers and create an “event day” schedule.

Step 3

Compile all information into a brochure to either be picked up at the event or mailed out beforehand.


The Cosmos Connection Magazine


Weird Laws Poster